Monday, December 6, 2010

Unable to download some critical update.

Have you ever been trying to download some of the critical software or update from the web but could not succeed instead you receive the following error "Internet communication error code 404". Well firewall help us to block unauthorized entrances to our network but they are also the cause to this error. If in future you encounter this error you need to disable your firewalls and enable it again after download is complete but could not be the only cause.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Smart Appliances

Sometime the minor things we normally do turn to give huge constributions at the end. The replacement of gas lamps with light bulbs using wires had never thought it would have brought us to these nonstop innovations. Our Great Grandparent installed wires to connect ligh bulbs replacing gas lamps but they never imagined that those very wires could be used to today's home appliances installation and power supply.

Few years to come (one or two) home network will be used for the purpose not yet imagined. Have you ever imagine controlling microwave oven or refrigerator via your cellular phone or computer? Well if you have not, it is time you do. Manufactures have already develop oven that will be cued remotely through cellular phone or Internet. These Smart Appliances will change your cooking plans. These smart appliance are programmable that means one can put the dish in the oven before going to bed and program the oven to cook the dish next day morning. Next day morning the oven will send a message to the cellular phone asking: "Do you still want me to cook". You then use your cellular phone or computer to instruct the oven.

With these Smart Appliances there will be no one rushing from the roads because He or She is late for the cooking or any other house rule.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tips on securing private network

Many companies has took a step to centralise their network for the easy sharing of resources and to save some extra money. This is a good initiative on the business side of view, yet there is one important items sometimes forgotten when company decide to centralise the system and that is security of a network especially if it is a WLAN.

Most of the time network is set in the form of the followings
  1. Dial up connection
  2. Visual Private Network (VPN)

Though Dial up connection is not that expensive and easy to set I would advise you to consider using VPN because it is more secured. If your network is WLAN you need to set password to prevent unauthorised Users to access your network through i-spot.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The future of cablings

Is there a time where we will see cablings disappearing? I mean from twisted pairs (shielded and unshielded), coaxial and fiber optic cables. Let say for example LAN where there are fivety nodes (PCs), I think in this situation physical cables are needed because there are NICs which needs media connectors expecially if the network is Server Centric.

The above example clear the need of cabling but with the innovation of wireless settings like wireless home network(WHN) it time we try it out to save cable expenses.Though Windows XP Professsionals has builtin support for wireless technology with Service pack3 but this WLAN has some limitations for example it is ideal for laptops, allow temporally network and Users cannot access some of the resources.

In the next issue I will focus on the advantages of wireless settings range from:

  1. Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
  2. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
  3. Wireless Metropolitan Network (WWN)
  4. Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)  

Friday, October 29, 2010

Electronic mail versus ordinary postinng method

Let me say you have 24 hours left to submit an important file to your MD (Managing Director) and you can not hand deliver this file because your MD is oversees. You go straight to the Post office to post this file, yet another obstacle in case you didn't notice it take about five days for the post to reach the destination. Fast mail take about plus or minus two days. Electronic mail take about less than two minute to reach destination. E-mail might seems as a solution to this problem but let me make my own comparison of this two method.

E-mail                                                                                      Ordinary Post
1The receiver need to be online to view the mail.                        1Once posted it is done
2 No lost of your mail because if the receiver is offline                2  In case the mail is lost it is not possible
the mail server hold the mail till the the receive is                         (not that you can't) to recover it).
3 Take less than a minute.                                                            3 Take days.

These were comparison according to me and I do understand that some of you might see this the other way around, well no idea or opinion is wrong as long as it have something positive. I think it is time consider the fast method when we are sending files not in bulk ( I do not think you can send file up to fivety pages in E-mail). Let us debate this further.

Friday, October 22, 2010

What does future hold for Compact Discs(CDs)?

Compact Discs took over from Cassettes ( which are still being seldom used) therefore there should be something else that must take over from CD's. The question that one might ask is whether CD's are hire to stay or they will be history too. Well with the innovations of iPods and MP3-4 players this question might be bias to yes but also there can be no too.

Some people are loyal to their Musicians in an extent that they buy all their original music. Another question that might rise  is what is the point of buying a ten track CD if you can download only the track you like. Downloads in most instances cost R10 instead of R120 for unwanted track in the CD but how much are Musicians benefit from these downloads. Though I am clueless to this question but I partially prefer downloads because with CD's sometime they end up not gaining even a cent because there is a lot of piracy hire outside(this is true though other might deny it).

Though CD's are still existing but I just don't see people buying music on CD's in 50 years to come and I am saying this in my capacity.    

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why do we let important information passing by us?

Firstly I will take this opportunity to wish all South African matriculates, who  are going to start their final examination next week on 25 October 2010. I am certain that you guys ready to harvest what soured for twelve years, GOOD LUCK.

Now hire we are, I am quite aware that if you just glance to the headline you might end up misinterpreting it therefore I encourage you read to the end to get clear picture.

Let us take for instance Google which is a number one searching engine in the world, approximately 27 billion searches are done in Google in a Month. This looks good I reckon but how many people aware of the features of Google despite it being the searching engine. Google can be used as a website, library, blog and for E-mails but these resources end up being waste because most of us turn to ignore them.

Now you can read a book online and I think this is cheaper then buying a book( not unless you want to build a library), just one of the hidden method of saving cash.My focus hire is on the developing Countries not the already developed Countries as one might misunderstand.Looks like I ended up profiling Google, in fact that was not my intention.

In the next issue I will looks at the followings:
  1.  Manual Letter posting versus E-mails
  2. The future of CD's as Mp3,Mp4 and iPods are taking up and develop faster. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mobile Trackers (how does it work)

I know this question migth seems silly to somebody else because we hier about car tracker every day. Yes but are we when it comes to Mobile trackers? Samsung is the only CellPhone manufactures that provide cellphones with tracking device ( if i am not mistaken). Again it is a pitty that even though Samsung try this far, but there people still unaware of this tracking device.

 I have come accross number of people who have their cellphones with mobile trcker stolen but they are unable to recover them. This has not because the mobile tracker does not work but because they do not understand how it work. They end up losing their cellphone for good, just a think which could have been prevented if there was enough knowledge.

How does Mobile Tracker  work

1 When you register for mobile tracker you have to give atleast two altenative cellphone numbers which can be used in case anything happen to your cellphone.
2 These numbers should be of someone close to you therefore I recommend it to be of a family member.
3 You must notify the person whom you give His/Her number and explain how this work so that there will be no confusion.

What happen if your cellphone get stolen.

1 In the event your cellphone is stolen, the first think a theft do when He/She steal a phone He/She remove the original SIM card.
2 The mobile tracker holder will then send SMS to the number you gave when you registered, that number contain number of the new SIM card installed in your cellphone  and IMEI number of your phone.
3 When He/She receive that SMS He/She must notify you as soon as posible.
4 Even though you can call this number directly, but I would recommend you to take that number to your nearest Police station so that the Police will work with your services provider( MTN/ Vodacom/ CellC) to track down the particulars of the new owner.
5 You can also block your cellphone with the help of your services provider but I do not recommend this, atleast this should be your last option.

In such steps you can be able to return your cellphone. Other cellphone manufacture should take a partten from Samsung and introduce this mobile tracker to their cellphones

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nexus One no more

In business I think you should always stick to what you know better, however you can try something new as long as it going to improve the business.Google is the number one searching engine no one can deny but their decision to get into cellphone makert many people sees it as it was the wrong one. Well Google announced that it was killing it Nexus One mobile store earlier due to the fact that no one want to buy from it.(


Monday, September 13, 2010

Technology vs some of the employees

With   many innovations in our days,many employees sees themselves in the edge to lose their jobs. Take for example the following industry.

Motor industry

The first built car went through many hands till the final product. Today lots of work is done by robots, you only have to control this machine(robot). The work that could have been done maybe by ten employee today is done by robot, which is a great news in our side of technology but are those employees loosing their jobs happy too, I just don't think so.

So what are some of the ways to prevent this
The employees should learn to educate themselves. I clearly understand that not every one the expect when it comes to technology, but just to update yourself about what is coming in technology could not be the difficult task.Also instead of building the robot that is controlled by one person, why not building the one that at least can controlled at least by ten employees to prevent this jobs loss which the unemployment rate.

When do we innovate robot that will make the gold digging convenient, just asking but I think whenever this happen we should bear this points in our minds.

Friday, September 10, 2010

What happen to WTC7

What really happened to the third 47 story building that also fell that day afternoon about 5PM. This was World Trade Center 7 and it was the tallest building closest to the victimise WTC1(about 300 feet). What is tricky is that this building was not attached by the plane but collapse why? Could it tallest status being the corse which is half the WTC1. Is any one with answer to this?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who to blame?

Today I just want to shift from Technology and tackle the issue that has power to take the Country from the top to the bottom, some may call it strike but does is end to riot or destruction.

Almost there is no Country that could say it is doesn't affected by the strike when it take place. Prticularly those that directed to Government start as normal and end up living huge damages. For me its doesn't make sense that when, let say the community is striking for development, we as community end up destroying the little development that we have.

Take for example the recent strike that has just took place in Mozambique due to the increase in petrol and bread price. It has has been reported that two hundred and eigthy six people were arrested since the begining of the strike, sixty six shop and three banks has been destroyed. The worse part is that this strike claimed the lifes of thirteen people and four hundred were injured, just what could have been prevented.

In my own Country the Government's employees strike which took three week is now hold for twenty one day, not over yet. The question is that where this taking us to as a country.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dell surrender the bid but what is the future of 3PAR.

A week ago It has been reported that Dell and HP(Hwlett-Packard) were in the bid for 3PAR which is a storage company.Well this battle ended yesterday when Dell surrender the bid and ended the talk with 3PAR. Dell walked away with it increased $32 bid per share yesterday when HP immediately counterbid with a $33 per share offer. It has also been reported that 3PAR barely made profit in its eleven years of existence.Now that 3PAR is under the largest PC marker I think it will be great and see the profit.  

Friday, August 27, 2010

Google in boiling water over Java

Just after Google has release Nexus One cellphone(available in the market in January 2010) now they in the boiling water. Apparently Oracle sued Google over Java code that they have used in android. Oracle bought Sun Micro System inc in January this year, that means everythings owned and developed by Sun Micro System is now owned by Oracle and that includes Java Script.

I think in terms of Court laws Oracle have a better chances of winning the case but what need to clear is that Google din't just used Java as it is but they made some changes( I have they colled it a clean version). Another thing is that some of Google's Officials took part in the development of Java for example Google CEO Eric Schmidt was one of the team leader that develop Java at Sun Micro before move to Novell which later  to Google in 2001 also senior vice President of operation and Google  Fellow also played a role in Java development in 1990.     

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Big up to South Africa particularly KwaZulu Natal

Let congratulate South African student  who were studying at NIIT throught Moses Kotane Institute Bursary programme who are now in India for intership in one the company.National Institute of Information Technology is the best IT university in the world, this is proven by having more than 60 compuses world wide. As one of the student studying througth the very bursary I see South Africa 's ICT sector take the lead in the next two years in whole world.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 lab management

Just a few month after Microsoft has launch visual Studio 2010 IDE in 12  APRIL 2010.  This week Microsoft has launch Visual Studio lab management for Visual Studio 2010 users.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Great news in IT

1 Adobe AIR will arrive on Android later this year.

2 Intel has boubtht  McAfee which is a gient software security company. According to  news( the cash deal worth $7.68 billion. The statement issued by Intel say that McFee will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary,reporting to Intel's Software and Services Group.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The future of Internet Protocol

Who can deny that China and India arev mostly developing countries in the world? I gues no one, not unless you don't follow the news. The economy of these countries develop almost by ten percent every year(if I am not mistaken)that means their ICT sector is developing fast. Does this pose any threat to you, if not you better read the next sentence. According to analyses of data done Sisco,they concluded that IANA's allocation pool of IPv4 address will probably run out in between three and ten years.At this point I can imagine you thinking and shaking but hold because there are solutions to this.

We should not forget to thank American univercities such as Stanford and MIT who handed over their class A address so that the rest of the world could benefit. Class A in a single network can hold up to 16,777,214 host.

IPv6(Inernet Protocol Version six)

The introduction of IPv6 has been a sollution to the running out of addressing space in IPv4.The following is the main benefit of IPv6.
Addressing space
IPv4 could hold 4billion host whereas IPv6 can hold up to 79 octallion time the IPv4 addressing space.There are lot of other benefit in IPv6 which were not in IPv4 but I think the IP address acomodation is more important. I refer you to for more information on IPv6.There are many other website writting about this IP,therefore if you want to search I can recomend you to which the best searching engine.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is it ignorance or what?

At this point you might be wondering about what this tittle is about but I encourage you read until the last word to get insigth. Technology changes every second around the world but one might ask this, how many people are aware of that. You don't need to be in Technology sector or be the expect to notice this because we all rely on Technology.

Business people and Technology

I don't know whether I should say this is a disgrace or what (please pardon me if this sound humilating) but I want you to figure this to your selves. If you come upon a business person in a mall what do you notice or maybe if you ever been in a business conference what did you ever notice. I don't know about you but on case almost I have seen them caring two cellphones some even more. Since there was the introduction of dual cellphones (two Subsriber Identity Modulo cellphones) it seems as disgrace that there still people who bothering their selves about having two cellphones especially business people whom I think should know better when it come to saving.

In dual cellphone you can switch from one network to another network without having any difficulties. Moreover just think about this, with two cellphones you pay for two instalment and even insurance if you insured you cellphones but with dual you pay one instalment, one insurance and a lot of savings.

In closing since the world has just recovered from recession there is no better time to think about saving than now.