Friday, July 29, 2011

How to see if you have been the victim.

If you are receiving a lot of spam emails, the chance ar,e someone else is holding your actaul account and  you are just holding a copy of it. I migth be wrong somehow but you need to double check. Email account hacking is not something you can just ignore because some possess our crucial information. Most victims to this kind of hacking are just responsible for it.

This is how.

1. Some of us use public computers to access the internet where they leave their account open when they leave the place thus the next person who come to use the very computer definately will have full access to your account.

2. Those who forget their account most of the time and keep renewing their password, some hackers can embed their cades within any website therefore when you try to renew your password by providing your username to the pop up they take the real password and give you the copy. Do not respond to any pop that you see from the webpage.

3. tools that generate password can also be used to access you account without you knowing it so watch out.

I think hacking should be made legal.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I have come accross many people lately telling me about BlackBerry Messaging (BBM) feature of their BlackBerry cellphones. Not that I am against BBMs but I had a feeling thst these people are still far behind when it come to innovations (techonology particular). competing with BBM is WhatsApp which is messenger application that is not limited as blackberry's BBMs

WhatsApp is a cross-platform mobile messaging application that allow users to axchange messages without having to pay for SMSs. It can run on cellphones such as Nokia, BlackBerry, iPhone, and Android cellphones unlike BBM which strictly for Blackberry users. A useres can even send image, videos, and audios using WhatsApp.

Download whatsApp

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A hiden impact Human cause in the IPv4 shortage

 Thing that have been talked and dealt with, the shortage of IPv4 hence IPv6 have been introduced and tested. It has been said that IPv4 ran out because of the number of users acquiring IP addresses. I think it should be also made clear that some network owner constitute to this shortage. I don't know whether they do this deliberately or unaware because of ignorance. The fixed lenght sudnet mask (FLSM) do further this shortage because the number of host is also fixed.

 For example, a class B network using as a subnet mask can approximately accommodate 8000 host per subnet but in real life a class B network usually require much lesser number of host. If a network will only have 2000 host that mean the rest 6000 IP addresses a being wasted because no other network can be assign to.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

JavaScript and web browser conflict

Many Windows based system users are experiencing a problem when trying to run codes written in JavaScript on their web browsers particularly Internet explorer. Many scripting are disabled by default in most web browsers for security reasons therefore I would suggest any one who want to run a particular script to enable it first and then disable  it after using it. Many malicious script can run at browser without you knowing or noticing it that why some are disabled by default.

To enable java script you need to do the following

Open Internet explorer.
Click on tools.
Click on Internet option.
Click security tab.
Click custom tab.
Scroll down to JavaScript and enable it then click apply.