Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The future of Internet Protocol

Who can deny that China and India arev mostly developing countries in the world? I gues no one, not unless you don't follow the news. The economy of these countries develop almost by ten percent every year(if I am not mistaken)that means their ICT sector is developing fast. Does this pose any threat to you, if not you better read the next sentence. According to analyses of data done Sisco,they concluded that IANA's allocation pool of IPv4 address will probably run out in between three and ten years.At this point I can imagine you thinking and shaking but hold because there are solutions to this.

We should not forget to thank American univercities such as Stanford and MIT who handed over their class A address so that the rest of the world could benefit. Class A in a single network can hold up to 16,777,214 host.

IPv6(Inernet Protocol Version six)

The introduction of IPv6 has been a sollution to the running out of addressing space in IPv4.The following is the main benefit of IPv6.
Addressing space
IPv4 could hold 4billion host whereas IPv6 can hold up to 79 octallion time the IPv4 addressing space.There are lot of other benefit in IPv6 which were not in IPv4 but I think the IP address acomodation is more important. I refer you to for more information on IPv6.There are many other website writting about this IP,therefore if you want to search I can recomend you to which the best searching engine.

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