Whether you believe it or not but the truth of the matter is that you are being watched or spied on your cellphone.
This is done mostly by Government agencies, technically for a good cause, which turn to be a disaster sometimes. These agencies does this for security purposes in most of the cases and to protect the innocent individuals from the criminal activities done via cellphones. Believe me most of the the missing individuals are found by tracking them through their cellphones. Well known and wanted criminals are mostly arrested by tracking their cellphones activities.
You are not only being watched by Government agencies, software companies and hackers are watching you too. This is where the problem and issues start because both hackers and these companies are not hire to protect you but they all after your personal information and data. Software companies uses your personal data and information to gain profit as they sell you to the third parties such as insurance companies and retail stores. While hackers are using it for the same purposes, but they are mostly after your banking details since these days we are all mostly reallying on cellphone banking and online transactions.
How do you protect your privacy then
First of all almost all smart phones comes from the factory pre-installed with certain softwares, mostly Google softwares such as play store, Google maps and others. Such softwares can not be uninstalled because you need them but what you can do, you can limit the permission they are having on your Device. When the are installed in the factory, they are given a full permission on your phone and that means they have access into things such as microphone, camera, storage, location, even your messages. You can turn off these permissions by going into your phone settings, application and notification, and then double check application's permission and turn off the unnecessary one.
The second way you can protect yourself is by not installing the software from the unkowun source into your cellphone. Even the known ones such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and many more, you keep on monitoring them and give minimum access and permissions into your cellphone. Mostly and important, keep a close eye on the behavior of your cellphone.
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