Since 1993 when the first search engine started there have been an increase numbers of search engines launched ever since. W3C Catalog was the first search engine though there were tools such as Archie (Archive) developed by three student at MacGill University and Gopher created in 1991 by Mark McCahill. My aim is not to dig history but I thought it would be the good idea to reveal it so that we will be in the same page.
Today there are about more than hundred searching engines in which some have expired domains but do we really need all these numbers. In 2010 the top ten searching engines were Google, Yahoo search, Bing, and AOL search. Though one search according to His or Her requirements, I think Google meet all those needs and is eighty percent used globally ( though I have heard that they in the hot water with Chinise Government due to tax issue of companies believed to owned by them).So can't we have these top five rather than these high numbers. Most these engine also act as commercial and that where the argument will begin.
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