Tuesday, April 24, 2012

SQL Injection

We all want to own websites these days yet only minors knows how to protect themselves again threat posed by owning the website. This article might only be relevant those who own dynamic website having databases, since they are most targeted as these kind of websites hold some crucial information. SQL injection is the most used method that almost all hackers use to gain access to the website. In most cases website designer does not take security into consideration when developing website which in turn exposes their customer's data into vulnerable. Though not many people are expert when it comes to SQL server as SQL injection is more orientated to it but one not need to be expert to learn some of it commands. SQL statement such select, union, and ordered by are the most used statement in this attack.

Select from User_table_Id where name= "user" and password="anything"
The above statement if typed correctly might gain you access to username Table store in the database.

To protect your website your to limit the amount of commands or statement that can be run in your website and auto hides all tables. Unfortunately Firewalls and IDSs provide little or no protection against this attack. You need to keep you knowledge regarding security updated since more and more tricks are invented daily.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Microsoft contributed at last

If you ca not beat them, join them. This saying looks pretty old but can we regard  Microsoft followed it when at last they contributed on Linux kernel construct. Linux foundation announced Microsoft as the 17th  contributor to the construction of their kernel. I think from now on we will see more collaborations between these two. I remember that Microsoft's Steve bellmer once called Linux a cancer, I guess now the cancer has been cured. No more viruses for Windows

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Microsoft back on track.

I am positive that Windows 8 will bring back Microsoft to top on the OS game (it's still on the top though some might deny it but it's a truth every one knows).

Some new features on windows are the followings

  • Its support both x86 pc and ARM tablets
  • Window to go

This is the best tool I reckon, which allow window to boot  from the USB device and they refers to it as live USB

  • Window Store
This is the equivalent of mac App Store. Now people will have a reason to stay on Windows.

Its looks like Microsoft has recty the mistake they did with Windows 7 where they failed to market some of best features of Windows 7 such as PSR tool which I think work the same as keyloger.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Threat to Mac people

For the past few years people it has been known that Apple PC are not affected by the viruses or there was no known virus that could affect the system (well that might be a history). The truth that most people seems to ignore is this one, Programmers work on new things every day, in fact they come up with new softwares everyday some are good whereas some are malicious and very dangerous. Now back to Mac story there has been a report lately about Trojan horse that is affecting Mac machine. This Trojan horse has gain access to mac system via word document, which means it uses MS office to attack. http://www.winlinhack.com/