Monday, February 21, 2011

Windows 7

Though Windows 7 start menu is more organised it's also seems to be more complicated than that of Windows XP. In fact to some it is not user friendly as that of XP. Not only start menu, there are other Faetures of of Windows 7 that has change location or now seems to be complicated to access. For example the administrative tools such as Performance monitor.

 Though Windows 7 has these complications but also has more advanced programs and features. With Windows 7 you can rate your computer performance. The task manager has an extra tab called services. There are many other features in Windows 7 which can enhances your use of computer

Friday, February 18, 2011

Computer bottlenecks

When the computer function abnormal, its does not respond to command, its takes too much time to boot or start and its work very slowly many of us just conclude that the problem is with RAM or CPU. When you start analysing your RAM you find that you have enough  and the Hard Disk has enough space. This is a point where many of us think that the whole system has a problem but this is not true in all cases.

I think you are wondering what really the issue then, well the next line may wonder you more. When you start your computer there programs that run automatically at the background of your computer and though you can not see these programs but thy are there. You can view these programs at the notification area of your taskbar which is located at the right corner of the taskbar. By the use of the utility called MSCONFIG.EXE you can see all these programs and believe me they take too much of you RAM sometimes. Due to these programs you can end up adding RAM unnecesary or taking your PC to Technician. The good thing is that you can end or disable these programs. Before ending any of these programs please double check the importance of each program because some are there for a purpose you might not know.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Terms and conditions apply

"Term and conditions apply" infect in every formal and informal documents you encounter this phrase yet many people don't take it importance into consideration. Many spywares and viruses we find in our computers are there because of our ignorants. Whenever you download any software from Internet there are always T&Cs you need to accept or agree upon. The mistake we normally does is that we accept without properly reading what  we are accepting. This is how PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) get into our computers and some ending up crashing the OS.

Even the clothing stores they are now have linked servers. That why you open account at store A and you receive a call from store B telling you about offers they have. If you ever wondered how this happen now you know so be careful of what you sign or agree upon before reading the documents properly

Friday, February 11, 2011

Preinstalled Applications

A week ago I read about Italian organisation that was suing Microsoft with regard there some of their preinstalled applications on computers. This conflict between this organisation and Microsoft kept me thinking since then. Who really to blame in there situations? The application manufacture or the computer manufacture and vendors.Range of antivirus, Skypes and Window lives are some the most preinstalled applications.

I think also what some of the people to not approved of these applications is that they come as trial version and this last thirty days after that you need to buy commercial version. What I don't understand is whether computer stores charge their customers based on these preinstalled application or not. If so then what if one don't need that particular application.Can they uninstall it and refund the customer? I just don't think so. What do say or if you have ever been in such situation what was your solution? 

Friday, February 4, 2011

A US searching software

The recent bomb to Russian airport seems to taught other countries to take into consideration the importance of tight security at there airport premises. The US Government has invented a software that search every one entering the airport.

This software will be able to search each passenger without physical contact and this will be a good news to those been complaining about security officers who were searching even in private parts. What is also good about this software is that it will also hide a person's private parts.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A repair tool

I am not trying to market this application but I believe that if something has good things to ffer we need to show our grace to it, but we turn not to show our apreciation. Many of us with computers find ourselves strandend whenever we loose data on our PCs or SO crashes.

 I have just heard about tool that scan,diognises and repair damage  to operating system (OS) just in two minute. This tool or program is called Reimage and as  I am not trying to market it, therefore I can advice any one to check it on